Ministry, Resolutions and our journey to heaven

There are plenty of books out there on ministry, on the day to day of Christian life, on how to live for the glory of Jesus and works on the lives of people of the past, here are just a few that have come across my desk lately. My two favourites from this list areContinue reading “Ministry, Resolutions and our journey to heaven”

Saturday Snippets (March 2)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

The purpose of a Sunday service

What is the purpose of a church service? If you ask a church of 50 people, you will probably get 50 different answers. People focus on the things that they are naturally drawn towards, for some that may be the singing, for others the fellowship and for others it may be worshipping God. There isContinue reading “The purpose of a Sunday service”

Saturday Snippets (February 10)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Saturday Snippets (January 27)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Just be honest

One of the areas that we can grow in as a Global Church is seeing the benefit of lamenting and actually doing it. Often our church services are filled with people hiding behind the mask of “I’m fine” but in reality they’re struggling. Often our sung worship is full of uplifting and ‘triumphant’ songs, butContinue reading “Just be honest”