How to Grow

Discipleship can often be a forgotten word in the church today. We talk a lot of evangelism, love for Jesus and His church, love for the Bible and all of these are great and very important things to be discussed, however, not at the neglect of discipleship.

It is amazing to see a person come to faith and to see their lives transformed by the Holy Spirit, but how often is that all we talk about? Shouldn’t our celebrating be followed up by a passion to see these new believers grow? This is what God wants for all of His people, not just new believers, whether you’ve been a Christian for 6 minutes, 6 hours, 6 Years or 66 years, are you growing in your faith?

Dash says that “God made us to grow. It’s important to understand what growth is, and the pathway He’s designed for growth.”

This little book gives a very practical, habit-based way for every Christian to grow spiritually. Dash is very direct at saying what spiritual growth is not; it isn’t reaching a new level spirituality in a kind of ‘levelling up’ way, but it means to constantly return to the ABC’s of the gospel and grow in them and their applications. Spiritual growth is not something that we can muster up by ourselves, it’s not a form of self-help but it is an utter dependence and reliance on God and His grace.

“Any attempts to grow apart from God are doomed to fail.”

Often when it comes to things like discipleship Christians tend to focus on the individual, but spiritual growth is not about the individual rather it is about God. As we grow we become more like Christ, we grow in our love for God and our love for others, spiritual growth is God-centred.

One of my favourite quotes from How to Grow is…

“Spiritual maturity isn’t about white-knuckling it to sainthood. It’s about becoming a person who is fully alive. It means enjoying God and life in deeper and more abundant ways even in the middle of difficulty. It transforms our desires rather than denying them. Spiritual growth is the pursuit of God, and the pursuit of joy.”

 So  spiritual growth is not about us, but it also doesn’t only affect us, people are watching us and we can either be an example for people, or we can be a hindrance. As we grow in our faith and in our maturity, shouldn’t our desire be to live godly lives for those around us?

So, how do we grow spiritually? What is the magic formula?

Well, there isn’t one but Dash gives some really good practical habit-based steps that can help us all grow. Books on discipleship can often aim their practical steps either too high or too low for the average joe, which can result in them feeling disappointed and worthless. But Dash encourages you to shrink down a new habit until you are confident that you can do it every day.

This book is helpful and honest, it’s written by a man who has a pastor’s heart and he shows that in this book. In this world where we want everything now, where we almost live our lives on auto pilot, take time to read this book that will give you sound and biblical steps to grow. If you want to grow, or want to help other grow pick up this book and read it, maybe even read it as a group and grow together.

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