Gay Girl, Good God

One of the biggest issues that currently divides the Church is how we respond to sexuality and the LGBT community. There are those who affirm the LGBT community along with their practices, and there are those who do not. The rhetoric surrounding this issues is one of polar extremes, people seem to either love orContinue reading “Gay Girl, Good God”

Raising Kids in the way of Grace

Let’s start off with pure honesty… Parenting is difficult! Every parent that I have spoken to has explained how becoming a parent was and still is the most difficult thing that they have ever done, but at the same time children are also one of the greatest gifts from God. But wouldn’t we all loveContinue reading “Raising Kids in the way of Grace”

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

I haven’t read a book about somebody’s journey to faith in a long time, I almost forgot how great they can be. Most of the time I read theology books, books about Christian ministry, or Christian living books that I’ve been given to review. Recently a friend of mine read Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus andContinue reading “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”

Strength for the weary

Derek Thomas is becoming one of my favourite authors because of his ability to simplify core doctrinal truths into bite size chunks that are accessible and easy to read. In Strength for the weary Thomas takes the second half of Isaiah and touches on some of the key themes and explains the context in anContinue reading “Strength for the weary”

How Does God Treat His Friends?

Ever since I can remember Job has been one of my favourite books in the Bible. I have read it numerous times, studied it, listened to many sermon series on it and read a number of books and commentaries on it. However, after each reading I was still left with questions, and I know thatContinue reading “How Does God Treat His Friends?”