Saturday Snippets (April 20)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Chief Scottish Man

Thomas Chalmers is one of the most prominent figures in Scottish Church history. His role in the founding of the Free Church of Scotland is probably what he is best known for. I’m just coming to the end of my seminary degree at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, formerly known as the Free Church College. So, I’veContinue reading “Chief Scottish Man”

Here Are Your Gods!

It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve started actually watching the news and thinking about politics. Previously I wouldn’t have bothered with politics at all. I didn’t understand it (still not sure I do!) and I saw how so many people argued over their particular political stances. So imagine my own shockContinue reading “Here Are Your Gods!”

Stop Taking Sides

I received a free copy of this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review. This has not clouded my judgment 🙂 There are some things in the Bible that make us scratch our heads. Sometimes things can seem to be opposites, for examples love and wrath, and yet when we search Scripture we findContinue reading “Stop Taking Sides”

Saturday Snippets (June 13)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers.