Saturday Snippets (April 1)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Saturday Snippets (March 25)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Apologetics, Dating, Marriage, Sex and Womanhood

Many books are written each year focusing on some of the topics that occupy our society and our emotional energy as Christians. Some book are written for pastors and teachers, some for parents and guardians and so on. However, few books are written to equip and encourage students / young adults in growing in theirContinue reading “Apologetics, Dating, Marriage, Sex and Womanhood”

Saturday Snippets (October 1)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Saturday Snippets (August 13)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Saturday Snippets (March 5)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

Saturday Snippets (January 15)

As well as reading a lot of books, I also read a ton of articles every week. Here are some of the articles that I’ve read recently and have found interesting, helpful, challenging and encouraging. I hope that they will be the same for you, my dear readers…

My Best 10 of 2021…

Over the course of 2021 I read a total of 166 books. Most of those had been sent to me by publishers to give an honest review, some of them were authors who wanted my thoughts and some of them were pre-published books for my input and endorsement. Roughly 8 years ago I started readingContinue reading “My Best 10 of 2021…”

Sexual Sin and the Promises of God

Sexual sin is not new, it is not an enemy that is only just showing it’s ugly head. Sexual sin has plagues humanity from the beginning of time, only made more accessible now to children of horrifically young ages. So, what hope is there? What can the Christian do to arm themselves in the fightContinue reading “Sexual Sin and the Promises of God”